Tuesday, November 10, 2009 1:12 PM

My heart is just like that bubble that ive blown. i can take as much as it expands. but after a time it just have to burst. i bursted it to people i can trust. and im glad i had a very convincing one.
thanks. i appreciate it!
that hair done was prepared by putri. it was a day before my birthday. all i wanted was just to look something different than how i always looked. gee..

on my birthday..
its true that ive loads of fun till i forgot the world when i got up on the pole and dance.
it was a hell of a night.
im thanking all those who celebrated my birthday with me and made my day HAPPENING.

my birthday present. some stranger got me this. and im very thankful. he even rock the machine to get me this. and my birthday was celebrated at oasis 68.

the people that were there. of course there were more. but couldnt get them into one pic.

CHIVAS was for the night. Two bottles. second opened by topaz and co. thanks. =)
power house was next. abit boring till i met abg boi. hes cute he gave me a kiss on my hand as a birthday present i guessed. then home. woke up at 11 next morning and so on for the next celebration.

and now, i found myself a job. and im working.
working hard. i want to go to perth! no matter what happens. im saving up.
no matter how sucky my job is or the people around me i dont give a damn! fuck favian! the guy that crushed my voucher when i did nothing wrong and i said why are so mean? he says everybody takes my kindness forgranted and i went off after taking back my voucher. im going to stay on no matter what! go to hell with your fuckng moods. im not gonna entertain you at all. im there to work not to take care of you! you dont know me well enough so dont mess with me mister. favian is my team leader. he instructs the part timers what has to be done. and i have no obligations with that until he have some attitude problem towards me. he doesnt wants to confront me which i dont understand why. so should i make the move? or should i just keep quiet and act like nothing has happened. i cant do that cause its bothering me. i cant work if im not happy. i will not enjoy it. i will get stressed out!
and then theres this guy name madi. he is a chef. and i like him until he took out some words that i dont expect to hear from him. and he was marked a CROSSED! everytime when i enter the back area i would be looking at him but now i dont but he has been looking at me trying to play the winking game that we always do on each other. and i tried my very best not to look up.i always looked from under my eyelashes if he is looking at me and yes he is and wanting me to look back and i seriously i feel like going up to him and ask him what he wants. but ive got no guts.=( i can see his eyes searching for my attention but i dont care and went out. i felt very heavy but somethings we just have to let go.thanks raziq for teaching me this theory. he answered like that when i asked if he misses me. and i know its a definite yes!
my job is fun if the people i know is there working the same shift as i am and we can just do our work like in no time we dont even feel tired because we enjoyed doing what we we are doin. im off for like three days starting from tomorrow.i deserved it because i never submit my roster for this week which im not aware of and i was scolded bullshit!. okay! ENOUGH ABOUT MY JOB!

and tonight is drinking night!
im gonna have fun! loads and loads of them!


the girl who learnt

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i hate liars.simply cant stand them
i smoke.i drink.i dance.i study.i work.

i wanna be with the ones i love

ilana thanawong
lee gek

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